Episode Eleven: “Just Wishing for a Better Quality of Life”

This week we take a look at a low point for America as we discuss the child separation policy at the border. A short episode but not short on gravity.



Episode Ten: “It’s a Team Game”

With the passing of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade this weighing heavy on so many minds, Amanda and I dive into the world of mental health messaging and share our own story. This episode is purposefully more somber but is without a doubt our most important to date. I hope you enjoy and take to heart.

Episode Seven: “Quickie; Mothers’ Mental Health Awareness”

I short piece introducing a very important topic; Mothers’ Mental Health. Gorgeous woman in the studio; can’t ask for anymore.


Happy F*****g Mothers’ Day

Our first guest installment on The Morning Shave. Per the writer’s wish, I have kept them anonymous. I hope you enjoy.   -Daniel

I saw another advert today about sending Mom flowers for Mother’s Day as the day looms closer and closer on the calendar. Don’t get me wrong here, flowers are great for Mom on her day along with other little tokens of affection. In fact, I always appreciated the effort my kids’ teachers made to have all the kids create adorable cards and paint tiny flower pots that each held a marigold plant or petunia “For Mom” just before the day. I even appreciated the effort and thoughtfulness when my husband would roust the kids out of bed early so I could sleep in and they would make me breakfast- delivered on a shaky tray, accompanied by a flower from the yard and maybe even the cat hopping up on the bed to check things out. Until, that is, one of them said, “Are we done Mother’s Day-ing? Can we please go play now?”. Clearly children don’t really appreciate all the mom-things. As my kids grew older, they dutifully remembered- mostly last minute- that they needed to cough up a small gift and maybe come for the BBQ dad was hosting in my honor. I’m sure Mother’s Day was frequently a burden for them as it meant a trip to both Grandmas to deliver something and throw in having to fete their own mom for good measure. Made for a hectic day. This all sounds like I don’t really enjoy the Day much either, and you’d be right. What I really do love is, throughout the year,   hearing, “Thanks, Mom, for teaching us to” blahblahblah”, because none of my friends know how to do ‘this thing’.” Or, “I got the job because you gave me the social skills I needed for the interview!” Or, one of my personal favorites, “I’m the only one who took water on the float trip. Everyone else took beer and after getting sunburned and dehydrated, they all wanted to buy my water from me!” So- flowers and small gifts are nice, but what your Mom really wants on Mother’s Day is to know you listened- really listened, and that you have become a successful adult. Even moms with kids in jail want to know you’re being a model inmate. Really! So for Mother’s Day, may I suggest you periodically call (or text Mom) throughout the year and tell her You Listened. Or write it in a card. You know- the one you bought at QuikTrip on your way over to see her on Mother’s Day!

-Anonymous Contributor